Just when you thought the derby madness has slowed down... Come see your West Coast Derby Knockouts take on The Bakersfield Diamond Divas in a bout set to rock the rink!
The West Coast Derby Knockouts will be defending our home as "The Lightweights" hit the track to take on the "Roughcuts"! So grab the family and friends and head on down to Skating Plus, your home for FAMILY FRIENDLY ROLLER DERBY.
PRESALE TIX: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/255399
Wear your best pink and black, grab your cowbells & hand clappers (or buy some from our merch table) and head on down to SKATING PLUS, your home for FAMILY FRIENDLY LIVE ROLLER DERBY ACTION!
Doors open @ 6 and the game starts @ 7 p.m.
West Coast Derby Knockouts versus San Fernando Valley Roller derby will show our fans just what happens when you collide two So-Cal teams in what is setting up to be our toughest bout yet, and then, just when you've seen it all, West Coast Derby Knockouts opens up our rink to a MENS exhibition bout!
The West Coast Derby Knockouts will start off the evening hitting the track to take on SFVRD. These ladies are hard hitting and fast skating so you do not want to miss this go down! After the ladies have battled it out, we will be swapping roles as the MEN of Drive-By City Rollers split up to do a 30 minute exhibition bout that will show you just how intense derby can be! These two bouts are sure to blow your mind, so grab the family and friends and head on down to Skating Plus, your home for FAMILY FRIENDLY ROLLER DERBY.
Wear your best pink and black, grab your cowbells & hand clappers (or buy some from our merch table) and head on down to SKATING PLUS, your home for FAMILY FRIENDLY LIVE ROLLER DERBY ACTION!
Doors open @ 6 and the game starts @ 7 p.m. j
Buy tickets now: http://www.brownpapertickets.
While you've been busy back to school shopping your West Coast Derby Knockouts have been preparing for their next bout.
Come see 'em take on The Bakersfield Rollergirls in a bout set to rock the rink!
So, grab the family and friends and head on down to Skating Plus, your home for FAMILY FRIENDLY ROLLER DERBY.
Wear your best pink and black, grab your cowbells & hand clappers (or buy some from our merch table) and head on down to SKATING PLUS, your home for FAMILY FRIENDLY LIVE ROLLER DERBY ACTION!
Doors open @ 6 and the game starts @ 7 p.m.

Want to see some hard-hitting, action packed flat track roller derby! West Coast Derby Knockouts will be taking on the Central Coast Roller Derby Girls on March 2nd at Skating Plus in Ventura, CA. Doors will open at 7:30 pm and game starts at 8pm. These ladies laugh in the face of discipline but can the Knockouts school them? Who will come out of this brawl victorious? You won't want to miss this match up.
Presale Tickets $10
At the door $12
Kids 10 and younger are FREE
Skating Plus offers a full snack bar and Skate Shop. We will also have beer and wine provided by DJ's Catering. Seating areas include snack bar tables, trackside seats, and floor seating (for fans of 18 years and older only). WCDK merchandise and other vendors will be present.
Buy tickets now!